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Welcome to iFEET Telehealth Psychology
       Today you are one step closer to a new you where you feel empowered and on a positive path to growth and well-being.
   As a solution-focused, experiential, pragmatic and existential psychotherapist, my goal is to help you uncover your true potential and lead a life that is worth celebrating. While we can't change difficult situations of the past, we can work together to better understand and resolve challenges in your life. By applying complementary therapy approaches and techniques, we will unearth long-standing behavior patterns or negative perceptions that may be holding you back from experiencing a more fulfilling and meaningful life. 
     If you're looking for extra support and guidance through a challenging situation or you're just ready to move in a new direction in your life, I look forward to working with you to achieve your goals. Please call or email me for individual, couples or family therapy consultation today. 
     For appointment, use this QR Code:

School & Clinical Psychologist / Psychotherapist

Who is Dr. Arnel Bañaga Salgado?

School & Clinical Psychologist / Psychotherapist
    I am educated and trained as a clinical and school psychologist with a terminal degree in psychology (Doctor of Psychology major in Clinical Psychology). Every so often, I conduct counseling and psychotherapy sessions using eclectic techniques. Currently, I am involved in the indigenization of psychological inventories, psychometric testing, and psychological test scale inventory development.
     As an academic psychologist, I teach psychology & behavioral sciences to allied medical students. I wrote the best-selling Psychology for Nurses published by McGraw-Hill Education in 2009. I am currently an active member of the American Psychological Association (APA) with membership in various divisions.
View Dr. Arnel Banaga Salgado's profile on LinkedIn
Appointment Request

Dr. Arnel with Dr. Daniel Kanehman, 2002 Nobel Prize winner in Behavioral Economics and author of "Thinking Fast and Slow"
Dr. Arnel with Dr. Philip Zimbardo of the Stanford Prison Experiment during the Psychologists' night at the Smithsonian Institute
Dr. Arnel with Dr. Martin Seligman, award-winning author and psychologist and founder of the positive psychology movement
New Releases & Publications
The bestselling book of Dr. Arnel Bañaga Salgado published by McGraw-Hill Education
Sole Authorship


Contributor:  Asian Edition

Copyright ©2025 by Arnel Bañaga Salgado, PsyD, EdD, DSc
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