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Services > Services offered by iFEET
The International Institute for Functional Emotive Existential Therapy (iFEET) is established to provide training for the employees of multinational companies, assess in the screening of students who are seeking admission to Asia-Pacific universities, design, develop and provide psychometric test to individuals or groups.

The iFEET is also established to manage the National Cooperative for Psychologists, Teachers and Nurses (NCPTN) based in the Philippines.

One of the goals of the iFEET is to establish and operate an international institute that will cater the needs of the children of expatriates who are working in Malaysia, Singapore and the countries along the Asia-Pacific region.

These are the following services that the iFEET Consultancy provides:

1. Setting up of School and Colleges (Basic education to College of nursing)
2. Setting up of Hospital
3. Providing Organizational Training and Team building
4. Psychological examination and testing for individuals and groups
5. In-patient care of mentally challenged clients
6. Seminar and motivational talks
7. Organizational event planning

The iFEET Research and Consultancy offers a variety of organizational training and devewlopment modules that cater to the need of the rank and file as well as the middle managers and the corporate executives. We present you some video demonstrations of these trainings:

Copyright ©2025 by Arnel Bañaga Salgado, PsyD, EdD, DSc
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