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Introduction by Dame Ramziah of MNA

Publications > Books > Psychology for Nurses
The nurse's role has become more challenging today. In the past, the nurse was seen as merely the doctor's assistant, performing subordinate duties. However, with their patient advocacy role in today's hospital setting, nurses are now regarded as equal members of the medical community. In order to provide effective and safe patient care, nurses must demonstrate knowledge of not just human physiology but more importantly, of psychology. Having the knowledge of psychology will enable a nurse to identify the patient who exhibits emotional or behavioral symptoms such as depression, inappropriate anger, anxiety, paranoia or other turmoil. Nurses equipped with the necessary knowledge of psychology will be more confident about dealing with difficult patients in medical encounters.

To deliver competent nursing care, it is not sufficient to just possess skills in conducting nursing procedures and other treatment related functions; establishing therapeutic relationship is equally important in patient care.

No matter what specialty a nurse chooses to work in, be it hospice care, pediatrics, obstetrics, surgery, general wards, etc., the nurse will always have the opportunity to employ aspects of psychology in his or her practice. PSYCHOLOGY FOR NURSES by Arnel Banaga Salgado is a timely, good reference book. The author is a person with enormous credibility on the subject. This book is intended to support the fulfillment of the requirements for pre-registration nursing programs, nursing diploma and degree courses.

This book is a useful reference text for nurses, not just to help them earn the certifications, but to equip them with the knowledge that they can apply in their daily work life as well. These nurses will always find their job very rewarding knowing that they have made a difference in the lives of their patients.

The author and the publisher should be commended for producing this fine book. I hope more nursing authors will be motivated to write such books. Read the book, understand the scenarios and apply the nursing principles in the care of the patients and in encounters with their families.

Matron Hjh. Ramziah Hj. Ahmad, AMN, PJK
President, Malaysian Nurses Association


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Copyright ©2025 by Arnel Bañaga Salgado, PsyD, EdD, DSc
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