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Suicide Prevention


Please take a moment to read the information about our organization below:

Some brief information about our critical work:

The iFEET.org conducts extensive work online and offline to further its mission of suicide prevention, awareness, and support. In addition to operating iFEET, which is the largest and most-visited suicide-related site in the world, we own and operate numerous additional critical sites and we constantly develop new sites.

In addition to assisting suicidal individuals and suicide survivors, we have assisted - and continue to assist - other victims of natural disasters, as well as individuals with other disorders, problems, and challenges.

We also run an online suicide survivors' forum, which provides a safe place for suicide survivors to receive help.

And we work to remember and honor the angels who die by suicide in as many ways as we can, including online memorials.

And we work to spread awareness about suicide in as many ways as possible.

And we are constantly expanding our online work in every way that we can so we may better assist suicide survivors, the suicidal, and others who need our help.

Offline, we give presentations about suicide, run suicide awareness campaigns, help schools establish effective suicide prevention and anti-bullying strategies, visit and call suicide survivors, and assist suicidal individuals.

We also work extensively with the press, responding to numerous press inquiries and providing them with interviews, which helps us educate the press, and ultimately the general public, about suicide.

Future plans include expanding our online and offline work, launching more suicide awareness campaigns and events, training more people, assisting more schools with suicide prevention and anti-bullying strategies, producing DVDs, CDs, pamphlets, booklets, and other materials, establishing suicide prevention training programs, developing more programs for suicide survivors, and increasing the number of people involved with the organization, among other things!

And we are ALWAYS improving and expanding our work because it is literally a matter of life or death for the countless people we serve.

Please help us on our mission of suicide prevention, awareness, and support by making a donation today.

All donations are tax deductible and no donation is too small or too large. Every donation helps!

Thank you very much.


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Copyright ©2025 by Arnel Bañaga Salgado, PsyD, EdD, DSc
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