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DIRECTION. This is an inventory of self-worth along the following areas: Experiences of Choice, priority, sufferings, religion and pain. You are expected to go through each item and complete the inventory fro around 25 minutes, although there is no time limit. Indicate your answer in the answer sheet as it is applied to you. Shade the corresponding number of your choice based on the following scale:

Click here to download the anwer sheet.

(Note: Scoring and Interpretation is available upon request)

1 - Not true to me at all
2 - Rarely true to me
3 - Sometimes true to me
4 - Often true to me
5 - Always true to me
1. I am happy with my present school.
2. I want to be flattered.
3. The word suffering simply does not appeal to me.
4. I love to attend the mass and church services every Sunday than sleep the whole day.
5. I am afraid to die now.
6. I like to read books in the library.
7. I view failure as a motivation to grow.
8. The terms PAIN AND DISCOMFORT does not appeal to me.
9. I am easily convinced by the opinions of others
10. I love myself more than I love others.
11. I consider that worrying is a challenge to excel.
12. My life depends on the saving grace of God.
13. I believe in the principle, EAT, DRINK, AND BE MERRY.
14. Most students are obedient to their parents and teachers.
15. I do not like to see myself suffer.
16. I pray whenever I feel I am a failure.
17. Emotional pain simply does not appeal to me.
18. I want to be an honor student and excel in all my subjects at all times.
19. Other people dislike me.
20. When I lost love ones, it takes a long time for me to recover.
21. When I break things, I choose not to tell others.
22. I like to own a car and earn more than others are earning.
23. I get attention from friends, which I cannot get from me family.
24. I seek importance when I am dealing with a group.
25. I feel guilty all the time.
26. People like me are required to seek guidance from their parents and adults.
27. I feel lucky all the time.
28. I find consolation from Jesus all the time.
29. I feel sorry when I offend others.
30. There us a great emphasis in giving respect to adults when it comes to decision-making.
31. Most of the time, I feel like praying.
32. I do not like to see others suffer.
33. I believe that young people always want to enjoy life.
34. I pay attention to my personal choice at all times.
35. I give priority to my personal success than the success of the group.
36. At the end of the day, I feel like having a lot of unfinished business.
37. I am confident that God takes care of all my needs.
38. I feel that crying lightens all my problems.
39. Most people nowadays are doing things their own way.
40. I have a happy family.
41. I leave everything to Jesus.
42. I am more successful if I follow what I want.
43. I love to be with my church group every weekend.
44. People are too difficult to deal with.
45. Praying solves my problems all the time.
46. When death occurs in the family, my initial concern is to be sad but eventually, the experience will strengthen me more.
47. I enjoy the company of a person in the opposite sex.
48. Achievement appeals more to me than contentment.
49. I worry too much because my money is not enough for my personal needs.
50. I love God above all else.
51. I love to be with friends.
52. If given a chance, I want to live forever.
53. I pay attention to my personal appearance and grooming.
54. Most of the time, I love daydreaming about my opportunities abroad.
55. I believe that everything that is happening to me has meaning.
56. If I will be placed in a situation where I am obliged to choose, I often refuse to decide and act immediately.
57. Self-worth appears to be better than self-esteem.
58. I am a person with many problems.
59. I believe in paradise and life after death.
60. I play safe all the time that I refuse to take risks because I am afraid of the pain my failure will bring me.

Copyright ©2025 by Arnel Bañaga Salgado, PsyD, EdD, DSc
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