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What a Beautiful Place

Published by Dr. ABS in Reflection · 7/2/2015 00:18:00
At 1.30 in the morning, I am still awake trying to make sense with my writing, examinations as well as my other writing obligations. Last week I managed to finished two parts for the Oxford manual of Nursing, now I am trying to beat the deadline again for the two manuals that I vowsed to finish within the week.

Last month, I was almost confused when I could not find the money that was needed for the emergency operation of my wife. It was a difficult month indeed since that was the time when I relocated from Kuala Lumpur to Penang and joined other university. I had no one to ask for help although I tried, but it looked like my pleading fell on deap ears. So I turned to God as I would always do, and presto, I found the solutions. From then on although money was tight, I managed to convince the hospital that I would pay installment and my son came healthy. I spent 10 thousand dollars for my wife and 3 thousand dollars for my son. I was reduced into abject poverty.

The feeling that I had that time could not be explained by words. My wife was worried but I reassured her that everything would be okay. But it was not okay when I reached home. I was so alone carrying the burden. I cried upon reaching home as I prepared the dinner of my son and wash the used clothes. It was a month of sacrifice as I also lost around 7 kilograms. I now believe that God is always there when you need him. As of now, I am happy living in my new place as all the people seem to be nice, the place is majestic and the usual rat race in Kuala Lumpur could not be found here. I feel so relax although I am burdened with so many problems now.

Life is good all the time if God is living at the center of everything.

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